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Training & Workshops

Many CEOs and Corporate Managers hesitate to fully leverage social media because they feel it exposes a bit too much of their personality.

makes us uneasy.

Forbes Magazine reports;
"Sales executives who
embrace social media are ...

... 51% more likely to reach their quotas, and that 78% of sales professionals who use social media out perform their peers."

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Harvard Business Review
reports that "... a CEO using social media
indicates a leader is listening, is open to engaging in two-way
dialogue with stakeholders, and is comfortable with change

Harvard Business Review also reported in 2016 that the
biggest fear of CEOs is to be found incompetent.

If you're a C-Suite Executive or Manager and hesitant about
using Social Media I have a relatively simple solution that
will get you up to speed quickly and alleviate your stress.

Maurice Cardinal Corporate Executive Social Media Orientation & Training

Trust in CEOs has plummeted to an all time low in 2017.

Thankfully, social media is an easy way to build and even rebuild trust.

Forbes magazine reports that executives who actively use social media
attain almost 7X higher engagement with clients & customers than their colleagues.

Harvard Business Review reports that since 2015, 80% of the CEOs of the world’s largest 50 companies are active on social media. The rest of the world is quickly catching up at 50% engagement by CEOs overall.

Still wondering why and how CEOs use Social Media? Keep reading ...

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