I began shooting as a kid with a 10 cent, one-use film camera–a tin toy on a keychain.
Every negative was flared or distorted, but looked like the allegorical images of my young-boy dreams, so I was happy. It taught me to shoot on either side of perfection-always looking for something I couldn’t see.
I hacked the shutter with a paperclip to shoot multiple exposures. It was a richly layered and heady analog space for an eight-year-old kneecap shooter. Almost 20 years later, and for two decades I shot large format 8×10 sheet film.
Today, most of my work is digital, but thinking back, the machinations of a manual Deardorff were so laborious, each sheet drew me into a meditative and unconscious flow. When it takes 4 hours to set up each plate and wait for the right feel, you learn to sense light, and give feel more weight than reality.
I’ve been a digital artist since 1989 and often use my vintage film as a base.

I sell most of my fine art large format photography in a closed market–quite often to clients who contract me for large communications projects. My art hangs in their homes, boardrooms, and offices.
I sell my commercial work to the same clients who often use my imagery in projects I develop for their companies and organizations.
BTW … the historic image above of the 356 PORSCHE ROADSTER & the BUG, is NOT Photoshopped except for minor adjustments to contrast, brightness, and focus. It is also NOT Ai from an APP. Special effects for this image were dynamically created IN-CAMERA in real time as the V-DUB drove by … agape.
It took years to develop and fine tune my technique.
Here’s a video of the results …
Learn about my Kinetic PHLOTOGRAPHY46tm process here …
Half of photography, is being in the right place at the right time.
The other half is luck.
The images below were created using my LARGE FORMAT 8×10 Sheet Film Deardorff, the same style of camera the legendary Ansell Adams used.
Images in my large format collection can be printed at BILLBOARD size.