Area46.com PROFILE ... since 1994
Good web sites improve productivity & increase sales
NEWS MEDIA ... About our NAME : Our Modus Operandi : Our People : Our News Stories

Articles in news media raise the visibility of a company in ways you can't buy.

We've been fortunate to have had considerable news media coverage over the years. Most companies would kill for the free promotional advertising we receive from TV, newspapers, magazines, and radio.
It started in 1995 when THE FINANCIAL POST covered the launch of our innovative new company, ELECTROmedia (which today is Area46 Media Communications). Since then a host of reporters have covered our story in various ways as you can see in these links ... CBC, The Globe & Mail, ESPN, Seattle Times, CityTV, Business Edge, GT Canadawide, BC Business.
We have a knack of creating
news media feel compelled to report.
It's an art to incorporate business communication, promotion, PR, and technology,
and it's a skill we also leverage on behalf of our clients when appropriate.
One of our proudest moments occurred in 2010 when the CBC did a series of television interviews with us about using Social Media tools like Twitter to help companies leverage Olympic momentum.
As a result, our business flourished respective of unprecedented community awareness.
We can also help your company experience a similar boost in visibility and credibility.
Even companies who make the simplest products have something worth saying.
The secret to get people to listen to your story ... is in the telling.
Remember, if media isn't talking about and promoting you - they're promoting your competitors.
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