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  Click to See Our Book! PROFILE ... since 1994
Good web sites improve productivity & increase sales

OUR BOOK ... About our NAME : Our Modus Operandi : Our People : Our News Stories

In 2003, we began research on a MarCom book entitled Leverage Olympic Momentum.

We published in 2006, four years before the 2010 Olympics were hosted In Vancouver/Whistler.

It is a groundbreaking marketing book written to help local companies make the best of the Games.

In it we describe online strategies previously unavailable to average companies. These strategies didn't exist in the past because community networking still hadn't matured.

Our experience developing online strategies since 1994 allowed us to envision how creative marketing and Social Media could be used to allow all types of companies to connect with Olympic sports fans.

Progressive companies modeled the advice in our book
almost to the letter and experienced unprecedented success.

lululemon released a line of Olympic related clothing that took Canada by storm.
Scotiabank also launched a very successful PR campaign that attracted incredible attention.

Today, the advice in our book still rings true. It's a new era, and companies must think differently.

The internet is a powerful tool that allows all companies to connect with customers worldwide.

As traditional advertising falls by the wayside, promotion on the internet takes its place.

Leverage Olympic Momentum - a lesson in progressive thinking »»

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_____ Internet Marketing  TIPS  Library _______________
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¤ Cross-Media Marketing ¤ Change Management ¤ Customer Relations
¤ Business Strategies in Pre & Post Olympic Regions ¤ MOBILE
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